Friday, May 29, 2015

Google shows details about Android M and Cardboard VR – Exame Informática

The new mobile operating system Android M will have more control over privacy settings, with apps to be required to seek permission to access data such as location, contacts, calendar, camera, microphone or other sensors in the first time trying to do, rather than just ask at the facility. The Twelve functionality will allow battery savings, since suspending an app if you notice that this is not being used, except for Notifications and Alarms. On Google’s tests, the Nexus 9 had twice as autonomy with this feature enabled.

The other novelty presented was the Picasa Web Albums service, which automatically organizes photos and videos the user to save on company servers. The app can suggest soundtracks and create links to other streams of images. Finally, this service promises unlimited storage of photos up to 16 megapixels and videos up to 1080p at no cost, reports the BBC .

The virtual reality equipment low cost of Google, Cardboard, will have a new version. The virtual reality helmet made with card and is powered by the user’s smartphone will be easier to assemble and will support screens up to six inches in diagonal.

Also during the event, Google said it would improve voice recognition software, that Google Maps would be able to navigate turn-by-turn in offline, with the possibility to download the route before.

Finally, Sundar Pichai said the Brillo, the operating system for the Internet of Things, based on Android. This system will help manufacturers connect devices such as door knobs, thermostats and refrigerators.


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