Monday, January 4, 2016

Android Marshmallow is introducing errors in Nexus devices –

The Android 6.0 Marshmallow grows modestly in market share, according to the latest reports from Google. So far only a few devices from LG, Motorola and HTC were awarded, following most of the Nexus line. And it is precisely with these devices with the pure version of green little robot system appearing reports of problems with applications and synchronization.

As you can check the page dedicated to error reports on Android, Nexus device users with Android Marshmallow are suffering from problems in the synchronization applications, preventing notifications arrive correctly.

Initially the complaints involved only Gmail, but the list It grew with applications such as Google Now, Inbox and others. There were over 100 users registering similar failures and even Google employees realized that their devices were not operating properly, bringing the issue to not go unnoticed. But unfortunately there is still no official and definitive solution so far.

Some users claim to have normalize the arrival of the notifications by going to the settings of system, applications and performing cleaning data and cache. How likely culprit have the Twelve mode, since the fault is present when the device is not being used for a time by disabling synchronization.

Now we can only wait until the Google definitely clarify the causes of failure and present a solution. Fortunately there are no reports of similar errors in versions of Android Marshmallow adapted by manufacturers.


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