Monday, November 2, 2015

Facebook will force employees to use Android smartphones –

Facebook is one of the largest companies in the technology market, is exactly why she has a sense of what its employees are able and how they can help solve problems encountered. New information indicates that company officials are not so fond of Android devices, apparently most have Apple devices. But not for long.

A new announcement indicates that the Mark Zuckerberg company will do some of your employees start using Android devices, even unwillingly. Since many do not use Android, they can not really enjoy the experience of the company’s apps in the Google platform, ie, fewer bugs are identified.


“I’m demanding a change of a whole bunch of my team for Android, just because people, when left to their own devices, often prefer an iPhone,” said the chief product of Facebook, Chris Cox.


He believes many people use Apple’s smartphones will be detrimental to the team, since Android is the most popular system in the world and thousands of consumers of their applications use it. Cox wants its employees to take advantage of the Android experience to find bugs and possible improvements.

It really is not something strange, since recently, Facebook revealed it will hold the “Tuesday 2G” in their staff only take advantage of low-quality internet for one hour. So you can experience what some users around the world live in countries where 3G and 4G network is not available.


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