Wednesday, November 25, 2015

BlackBerry explains why Priv is the best Android for … –

The BlackBerry built throughout its history a good reputation related to safety of their devices due to its own operating system, so that even today, with sales in sharp decline, the manufacturer It has many companies are still employing their mobile devices. So launch Priv with Android, which has its security flaws, it is a risky step that reputation.

So the Priv without any surprise, seems flawed at first glance, but in With regard to data privacy, its makers insist it is the best Android market. The customized for BlackBerry system includes a number of security enhancements “independent of the Android version number,” according to a blog post written by the responsible security chief, David Kleidermacher, which published a list of what the BlackBerry made to improve security of your Android.

For starters, he writes that the company provides its own method of keeping away vulnerabilities as Stagefright, and that the manufacturer “signs” all hardware with digital keys in the manufacturing level ensure device integrity. Also, use enhancements Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) security technique that is not in the Android L or M and makes it much harder for malware exploit Android software bugs.

Third the list is SELinux, access control policy framework and Pathtrust, which comes on the Android L or M, in order to “ensure that untrusted code can not be entered into the system dynamically through malware.” Kleidermacher also writes that hundreds of enhancements to the Linux kernel and Android service structure to enable features such as DTEK, a new company application that helps protect the security and privacy of users.

The company’s CSO mentions encryption enhancements including the use of BlackBerry Certicom certified FIPS-140-2 compliant cryptographic library and other techniques that improve the Android passwords to protect against attacks that attempt to guess passwords. Finally, cites support for smart card authentication.


The aim of the BlackBerry is to provide solutions that make users – both device users and professionals – more productive, efficient and safe, and it means a cross suite of management software platform, communication and collaboration that is the operating system mobile and device independent.


On top of that, of course, the BlackBerry also promises quick fix whenever there is a problem in protecting users.


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