Long Google and Apple are rival companies in the technology market, in several areas, especially in the mobile industry. The Internet giant owns the operating system Android , which is available in most current mobile devices, while Apple is the creator of the iOS , which is equipped only on the devices . own brand
The maps division is also one of the company’s competitions, Google Maps has currently the service most widely used type of market; Apple Maps was released some time ago, but did not win or 1/3 of the public who use the other service. A new Easter Egg found on Google Maps shows that companies really are just competitors, and that the Internet giant is having fun with it.
The company took the rivalry for a new level, in Maps you can view a Android doll urinating on the Apple logo . No, you did not misread. In the image above, you can also access the correct coordinates for that specific destination map service, there you can find the “design”.
There is still no information on the origin of the image, however, it is possible that neither Google was aware of the “design”. It may have been added by an official of the company itself, or even someone who uses services “crowdsource” maps, as Map Maker.
In any case, it is certainly something very bizarre, however, is also very interesting and somewhat hilarious. Probably Google will correct this “error” soon, so if you still want to view the image in real time, you can access the coordinates now .

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