Monday, September 9, 2013

Amazon: Free Android as a smartphone is too good to ... -

Amazon denied plans to offer or even a smartphone launch own brand in 2013

Throughout the day today (September 9) has especially spoken of the possibility of Amazon launching a branded smartphone itself, as it did with its popular Amazon Kindle Fire, and offer it for free on the day of its release. Let’s face it: get a free smartphone whoever is offering is always reason enough to capture the attention of any of us, especially if it is associated with the name of a multinational linked to technology or the internet, as is the case Amazon.

But this is also one of those situations that make us think it is too good to be true. What was confirmed throughout the day today: 2013 will not even see the arrival of an Amazon smartphone market, but also due to the realization of this scenario will not definitely see the U.S. giant to offer it for free at day of its release. Still allows us to draw some interesting conclusions regarding the possible entry of the company in this market.

Amazon: when a free Android smartphone is too good to be true

It’s a fact: the internet is too easy to propagate misinformation and mislead even the most prestigious media outlets. This situation could have benefited the Amazon in that it gave the company some coverage and media exposure, allowing the store’s most popular online world to assess the public’s reaction to the possibility of launching its own smartphone. And what better way to ensure our attention that under the promise of a free smartphone? The fact that Amazon has decided officially on this matter is also relatively exceptional, especially given the history of the company remain reserved even against the most publicized rumors.

Here are the facts, according to official confirmation from Amazon, is compelling the company will not release a smartphone in 2013, as – in case you do – will not deliver on the day its release. Does not mean it is not before 2014 that it will launch its first own-brand smartphone, adopting a business model very similar to the Amazon Kindle Fire – not technically being free does not prevent the company from launching at lower prices than the competition, opting for monetize and favor its own services.

How? Following again the strategy of Amazon Kindle Fire tablet: offer a 100% custom version of Android, friendly to the user and to grant a high profile position to Amazon services, including its own app store for Android.

Amazon: when a free Android smartphone is too good to be true

It is very likely that Amazon is considering its own response to the smartphone market, as its business model with the Kindle Fire seems to have been successful. Taking into account the history of the company in providing content to users, the conditions to become a player prominent market are getting together.

And the reader? I would like to see Amazon launch an own-brand smartphone? Think you would have a good chance against competitors like Samsung or even Google and Apple? Tell us what you think!



EMBED KuantoKusta The Amazon smartphone is to be an issue especially debated

between organs technological Portuguese during the day (9 Sep). The

reason? The alleged fantastic promotion that Amazon has reserved for the

day of submission of your smartphone. And what better way to draw

attention of the public and consumers than offer it for free?

Sounds too good to be true, right? It is because of the fact not true. 2013 still will not be the year that we see in a smartphone “Kindle”, and when that day comes – admit that this is a market that Amazon certainly has a view, albeit not officially has expressed the intention – most likely will not offer for free.

The official confirmation came from Amazon itself, which said it will not

shed any smartphone on the market in 2013 or that the same

hypothetically speaking, would be offered free of charge


There are also two aspects particularly interesting in the fact that Amazon

to have publicly expressed about these rumors The first is

that the U.S. giant never make any reference about

rumors about the company, which made its manifestation was something

exceptional, and the second was that the company really did not deny its

entry in the smartphone segment, but denied intending to

even venturing into this market in 2013.

This does not mean that the company can not adopt a strategy where

smartphone offers the potential for a ridiculously low price, which

technically speaking it would not be a free gift. Assuming one

hypothetical smartphone run a customized version of Android, the

Amazon could easily promote the use of its own

services – including its own store applications, alternative to

Google Play – and maximization of the use of their


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