The entire Android ecosystem can give Google an enviable and unique position in the world of mobile devices. In addition to having their applications and their present services, is complicated that other companies are able to occupy a prominent place within this system.
This position has been worth the Google processes in various markets. Russia, where Google has a weak position, just to prove that the company abused its dominant position.
Once they have in been complaints in February this year, the Yandex against Google and its dominant position in the Russian market, the agency that monitors issues concerning monopolies and abuse of dominant positions situations just make a decision.
According to the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service), Google has abused its market position and violated the law when deciding to install multiple its applications in Android.
The practical result of this decision is the imposition of a heavy fine on Google for its practices, which will be of an undisclosed amount, but that should represent about 15% of revenues obtained by the company during the past year in Russian territory.
The FAS now has 10 days to formalize its decision and decide the amount of the fine will go to Google. This should be a value that should not be known, to be considered inside information.
Google has yet to change their practices so that it will conform to the rules of the Russian market, otherwise again be fined if these violations continue.
Although it was found guilty of abusing its dominant market position, the accusation of unfair practices of competition has not been proved and therefore left out of this decision.
By knowing the decision of the FAS Yandex welcomed, hoping that now the market returns to be competitive and with room for all companies work openly.
The charges of Yandex are no different from others already known in other markets and go through the inclusion of Google application packages to the Play Store, the compulsory use of the search engine Google and the allocation of prominent places at the Google applications on the screen of the devices.
Since most of the research in Russia market, Yandex has been to be penalized with the Android growth that counts more than 80% of the smartphone market.
This case is no different from others who are and course and still awaiting decision by the competent authorities. The biggest is perhaps what is being carried out by the European Union, which also Google is accused of monopoly practices and abuse of its dominant position.

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