Friday, September 25, 2015

Android M should reach the Nexus 5:06 on October 05 – Pplware

It will be already on the 29th that Google will announce its new proposals in the smartphone field. That same day the final version of Android Marshmallow should also be announced.

This is a version that is being tested and that many are waiting. It is now known that this new version will reach the Nexus just a few days later, the 05 of October.

Android Marshmallow is still being completed and a test for all who have Nexus equipment. It is expected that the final version arrives on the same day that the Nexus 5X and 6P is displayed.

As is normal in Google will take a few days until the release start to be made available OTA and reach the Line Nexus.

Received information from Telus, a Canadian telecommunications company, realize the expected date of launch of Android Marshmellow updates to the Nexus 5 for the Nexus 6.

date for the start of availability over the air is on 05 October, a week after being presented at the Google event, which will take place on September 29.

This is a process that will take several weeks before be completed in the Nexus line, thus ensuring that there are no problems and that the structure is prepared to match this update.


The information Telus points that date to be likely, but warned that it can be changed closer to the date, depending on several factors.

Of course, as well as is normal when Google releases a new version Android, factory images will be made available and the files used in the OTA update so that users can install the Android Marshmallow without having to wait for this update appears.


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