Monday, June 20, 2016

You want to eliminate your Android research he did in Google? – Pplware

Google is today the largest source of Internet information. The resort it whenever we want to learn and quickly found it. To make life easier for users, Google always shows us the terms of the latest research.

But what about those who want to remove them on your Android, how can do? See how and using just a few taps on the screen of your smartphone.

 Google search

Google collects this information to make life easier for users, ensuring that they have to quickly and easily the access to recent research, without having to be repeating the terms.

But this record is done both for successful research as to run less well and that we do not always save. Fortunately there is a simple way to revise and involves just a few taps on the screen of your Android.

How to delete Android research he did in Google

This trick works only for those is using the Google application, which is also the one that provides direct access to Google search.

Start by then access to the search box. To carry it will be shown a list of terms from previous searches. Identify that want to remove and carry it until there is a dialog box.

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it is in this box that you will be given the opportunity to remove the search term, or if they want to withdraw, to cancel this operation.

it should be noted that to remove the term of the Android search, it will be removed from your records in Google, eventually eliminate it completely.

How to avoid this record in the future ?

As is normal on Google services, users who want to leave this log can do it. Just for this open the Google Settings app and looking for the Accounts option and privacy. After accessing the activity of controls Google and Web activity and applications.

They need to do is just turn this option off and immediately the records are completed, can the research be made without being saved.

Remove Google

decision is now up users, who can choose to register their research and share it with Google or not to do, having no historical record of their searches on the Internet’s largest search engine.

If you have research that want to hide or fail to be visible, so this is the simplest way to do so.


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