Thursday, June 30, 2016

New malware Android mask is well known apps – Pplware

The schemes used to infect mobile devices, particularly Android, are becoming more elaborate and more complex. Are not limited to install ghost applications, but already beginning to be able to replicate other that are well known.

The latest attack on Android, has been running and can mislead users, managing to replicate the interface of the known applications.

Android malware

Discovered by FireEye, this new malware Android, has a particular and unique feature. Can replicate the interface more familiar applications and so can trick users who do not know they are providing their data to attackers.

The targeted applications are the most used and therefore the most desirable, the which makes life easier for attackers. Altogether there are eight applications and include WhatsApp, WeChat, Uber, Facebook, Viber and Google Play Store.

Unlike previous situations, this new malware is attacking mostly European countries, with the focus on Denmark and spreading later to Italy, Germany and Austria.

How does this new malware?

the way to spread this malware is well known and even used in previous cases. With a simple SMS you receive the link that, when accessed downloads and installs the malware app. This is limited to just get to evaluate the applications that the user uses, waiting for the moment to take action.

 Android attack

When it launched one of the known applications, the malware takes its role and overlaps. It starts by asking for data authentication and then attempts to steal the user data bank or credit card.

The data is then passed to a central server, where attackers use them to steal money from users.

in the case of Denmark, and the researchers from FireEye, a single link could be accessed more than 130,000 times, which proves that this attack is to succeed.


it was also noted that these attacks are evolving and used applications are to achieve better protect themselves against detection, which makes the protection.

the safety recommendations to use are normal in these cases. Be careful when opening abnormal and strange SMS, and avoid installing applications outside of the Play Store Google.



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