Sunday, February 21, 2016

7 shortcuts that save time on Android – canaltech (Blog)

Android Lollipop

One of the main functions of mobile technology is to streamline the various tasks we have during the day. Simply sending a message, the ability to share a file in the cloud or keep in touch with friends and family on social networks certainly help to save precious time. But what if you could do things on your device Android much faster than is used?

The Google operating system It offers many shortcuts to help users do not waste time to use the platform. To help you figure out what they are, we prepared a list with seven useful tips where you can do things faster on your Android device.

1. Press and hold the volume down button to enter the “Do Not Disturb” (available only on Android Marshmallow)


the devices that have benefited from the arrival of the new version of Android, marshmallow, have a new developed feature to mute incoming calls, chat, notifications and other alerts in a more agile way.

you can set your device so that it does not emit audible alerts at certain times of the day . However, there will be times you will want to silence your Android immediately, without having to go through the menu and handle the phone’s settings. To enter the “Do not disturb”, simply press and hold the volume button up.

2. Double-click the power button to start the camera application (available only on Android Marshmallow)


As you may have noticed, the lock screen of your tablet or smartphone Android there is a small shortcut to the camera in the lower right corner. Simply tap, hold and drag the shortcut to the camera application is started. This is a nice feature, but there is another even better. When you are in an application and need to take a picture quickly, there is no icon or camera access shortcut on the screen of your device. At such times, double-click the power button will give you access to the application of good fast camera.

3. Swipe down to refresh a Web page in Chrome


If you want to reload a page you’re browsing in Chrome for Android, you have several options that are not very fast. You can touch the shortcut on the top right corner of Chrome and clicking the Update icon. There is also another alternative where you can tap in the address bar and move to a new shipment. But none of these practices is as simple as being able to just slide down the page. If you are on top of a web page, just pull down the page for the update icon appears, and page reload automatically.

4. Say “OK Google” anytime, anywhere


After setting the correct settings for your Android be attentive to your voice, you can talk to the personal assistant to the Android any time you want. It serves almost everything you need, from make calls, search on the internet , set a reminder or plot a route to an address. To configure it, just access Google Now, go to “Settings” and find “Voice”. In the window that appears, you can make the necessary adjustments.

5. Press and hold the “Home” key to activate the “Now on Tap” (available only on Android Marshmallow)


The” Now on Tap “provides many details as context, shortcuts and suggestions on what is in your device. It is very useful when you need more information about something. With it, you do not stop what you are doing to go to browser and research on the subject in question. The suggestions and settings are displayed in the form of card, as well as Google Now.

As an example, imagine that you’re listening to a music on Google Play Music. When you press and hold the “Home” button, multiple cards will be displayed containing the video clip of the song on YouTube, the account of the Instagram Artist and headlines about the singer in Google News.

6. Alternative to take a screenshot (only available on Android Marshmallow)


take a screenshot of the screen of your Android device has never been a difficult task for those who can be synchronized to push the button power and volume down. After that, a clicking sound will be emitted and the capture image saved in the gallery of your device.

If your device has been upgraded to Android Marshmallow, there is another way to take a screenshot. Just press and hold the “Home” button and then tap the icon to the left share. Within one or two seconds the device will take a screenshot and a window will give you options to share or save the image.

7. Hold the application icon and slide for information


You can get all kinds of useful data about an application through the “App Info” option. How much storage space they are using, how much data they consume, when and how your notifications are displayed, among other information is provided by this feature. Of course you can access the settings of your Android device to get such information, but it certainly is not the fastest and practical in most cases.

As soon as you tap and hold an application, displays options “Uninstall” and “App Info” at the top of your Android screen. Just drag the icon to one of two options for the system to perform the process.

Via PCWorld

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