Tuesday, September 6, 2016

7 tips to enjoy more your Android – Digital Look

Remember that last week I brought tips that not everyone knows about Windows Phone? So today I’ll talk about some tricks to further take advantage of the smartphone with Android operating system. Look at:

  1. Uninstall applications To delete some
    your mobile application you do not need to go to the section “Applications” in the device settings, because It has a much faster way. Just click and hold the app, it will display the “Uninstall” option at the top of the screen; Now just drag the application there.


  2. Now on Tap
    Android has a very cool feature that helps you find information about issues that you are talking to your friends. It works like this: If you receive a message from someone inviting you to watch a movie on the weekend, just click and hold the Home button Google Now (the virtual assistant from your mobile phone) already looking for information about the film on the internet.


  3. Google Now
    Did you know you can use Google Now even with the phone screen locked? Just slide your finger from the bottom right corner to the mobile center to activate the voice command of the virtual assistant.
  4. More than one account
    Android smartphone for work, you need to register a Google account, but you need not be restricted to a single account on your phone. To register another, go to “Settings” and “Add Account”. Then, just include the data and ready
  5. Organize shortcuts
    When you have many applications, the mobile screen may end up full of icons and shortcuts. But it has to organize it all! Just hold a shortcut and drag toward another; will appear a circle around the app, it indicates that they are forming a folder, right? Now, if you click this folder, applications that are there will appear and the best is that you can put more apps and even rename the folder if you want.
  6. Tuner System UI
    People, look at that cool: you can make changes to shortcuts from your phone’s notification bar and leave around functions more uses. To do this, you need to activate the UI System Tuner: press the settings icon for a few seconds until a screwdriver.
    Okay, now click it and have fun changing the place shortcuts blocks or else adding new ones. You can also show the percentage of battery design side of the battery.


  7. Load faster
    has an easy way charging the Android battery faster, you know? Hold the phone to charge, enters the battery settings and activate the “fast charge” mode.

And keep an eye on my channel here at Digital Look, because next week will have tips for iPhone, see?

Whenever you have any questions , just talk to me on social networks. Use the #LuExplica I answer everything.


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