Sunday, October 5, 2014

11 things that make Android smartphones and the iPhone does not – Overview

The iPhone 6:06 Plus are the first to use the NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, which enables communication between devices by using a system of short-range radio, making it possible, for example, payment through smartphone. The feature was already available for Android devices

The Business Insider has compiled 11 of the potential of smartphones with Google that Apple does not yet have operating system:.

1 – Is it possible to change

Samsung Galaxy S5 and LG G3 are just two of the devices with removable back, allowing removing the battery and replacing it with another.

2 – Several open at the same time applications

Several smartphone makers overlap its Android software to the original version, resulting in new resources. In Samsung and LG handsets, for example, you can open more than one application at a time and have them open simultaneously

. 3 – Charging the battery with any micro USB cable

No need the specific cable that particular manufacturer, unlike what happens with Apple.

4 – micro HDMI Connection

Some devices have a micro HDMI port, which means you can connect directly to the television. This is not a feature common to most smartphones, but it is the case, for example, some Motorola Droid

5 – Voice Commands

Motorola calls it “Touchless Voice Controls” and is a feature available in Moto X. For most phones, you need to press a button or activate the microphone to launch the voice controls. In the case of Moto X, you can set it to “respond” to the user’s voice with certain pre-defined phrases.

6 – Extra space with micro SD cards

You can buy an Android device with less capacity – and therefore cheaper – and you add more space using a micro SD card ( or SD in some cases). In the case of the iPhone, the only way to get extra storage capacity is recourse to iCloud (and pay for the upgrade once the full free version)

7 shortcuts for various options to more hand

Most Androids smartphones has a number of affordable “quick settings” with a simple slide from the top of the screen, as the energy saving mode, buttons for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and various other controls

. 8 – Increased customization

It is a feature of Android that most appeals to fans of customization.

9 – Widgets on the home screen

The Android allows the embedding of widgets directly on the main screen – a sort of application with an icon higher, available for interaction logo on the main screen

10 -. Wear as a remote control

Several devices like the HTC One, LG G3 or Samsung Galaxy S5 can be configured for use as control television, air conditioning, etc.

11-Replace the back cover

In some cases you can remove the back cover and replace it with another, customizing color and style.


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