Monday, March 30, 2015

Know your Android smartphone and the background with the Castro – Pplware

About the hardware you have on your machine allows any user get the most out of it and gives you precise control than she gives him.

There are many applications dedicated to each of the operating systems, but few can have the beauty and usefulness of the proposal we have . Today

The Castro is one of the most compelling applications available for Android, with the advantage of putting the device to the user


With this application the user can know in detail which components are part of your Android smartphone and is given details on each of the various areas available.

It is information that matters not just to have a notion of what you are using and have available, but also that focuses on features that are present and that can be used.

If there are several applications that give the same information, Castro can stand the way you organize and present that information.

First of all because he appeals to Material Design of Google to bring users a simple to use interface and where it quickly accesses the data.

Second, and fruit of a well achieved organization, Castro has available the information methodically and understandable , making it simple to use.

There are several areas where information can be found, focusing primarily on the present hardware, then the available resources.

The first area to which you access there is a general description of the device, which can then be obtained details about the processor, kernel, battery, memory and network.

In each of these different areas Castro presents information in great detail , going to detail how the use of each of the different processors, amount of RAM in use and until the battery temperature.

If looking for a tool that will give you to know your Android, the hardware that are to use and to the resources available, then the Castro is what they want.

Combined with a wide range of information is still present an excellent example of how Google’s Design Material can be used.

Download: Castro

Price : Free

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