Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ART by replacing Dalvik on Android 4.4 KitKat - PowerUser


All that installs on your computer or mobile phone operates on a given language that only developers understand the totality called ‘runtime’. In the case on Android, this language is called Dalvik and is already causing problems for a long time. This is because, in all kinds of digital products, there is ALWAYS something that does not run as well as expected and needs to be changed in the next version. Which is understandable, people are human and complex products, things happen, and sometimes not as good as expected.

With Android 4.4. KitKat has already to see some new features, including a modernized dialer, Google Now improved integration and multi-task more efficiently.

you may not know is that the deep KitKat there is still an experimental feature that could forever change the Android as we know it.

The new feature is called ART, coming from Android runtime. The goal of ART is to replace the Dalvik runtime, and is the result of 2 years of work on the part of Google.

Although ART

is not initially activated, can be found in Developer Options and easily activated.

course there is a reason why Google has yet to make ART a standard feature. At this time, the ART is a work in progress, and Google warns that using it can cause system instability and break apps.


Dalvik, each time you start an app, you have to compile a lot of code, which hinders some smartphones and does not make the process very efficient.

is where ART comes. Instead of doing all this work to build each time commence an app, ART uses an Ahead-Of-Time compilation that pre-compiles a bytecode language from the moment you install this app.

Since ART no longer need to use all that code already interpreted beginning, the end result is the apps start faster and more efficiently. ART should improve further as Google continues to work on it.

apps to start soon, there is less stress on your mobile processors (and also the user), which leads to a better Android experience and less energy use, which will make the ART prolongs the duration battery.

Moreover, the Ahead-of-Time method takes up more space to install apps and results in a longer period of installation -. although it is the least of the worries in the end

Keep in mind that the Ahead-of-Time is not yet fully ready, so must test at your own risk.

is difficult to say when the final version will come out, be ready when it’s ready. Until then, you should take full advantage of everything the KitKat has to offer, because it certainly promises and, despite failures, reveals more effective than the previous versions.

text written according to the new orthographic agreement.

Tags: Android, Apps, ART, Dalvik, Google, first page

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