Friday, December 27, 2013

7 vs. iOS. Android 4.4 KitKat - The dispute! - PowerUser


iOS or Android? iOS or Android … iOS or Android? The dispute has never been stronger! The arrival of the Nexus 5 is a reason to celebrate Android fans. The smartphone from LG provides cutting edge technology for a reasonable price. However, there is another reason to be happy – it’s also the first handset with Android 4.4, the latest update of the Android operating system. But what does the new update iOS equates to 7? Do we know in this article.



Another change taking place is the drawer of Android, which now shows a homescreen -. Much more attractive visual .

Apart from that, things were quite the same in the Android world. />


Multi-tasking on Android works as well as before and is accessed through specific buttons. It can terminate applications more easily than ever.


Android has been very forward when it comes to notifications, and while there are no massive changes in 4.4., so that will continue. However, it is important to take note that Apple has also made massive changes. You can choose how the apps launch notifications – a banner or an alert – and display them in a small panel or screen lock.

OS from Google, notifications are displayed in a menu, but you can leave aside those who do not want to read, and expand some – such as emails – to gain a better perspective of its contents before the opening.


Given Apple’s history with the music, the company revolutionized the industry with the iPod and iTunes, and could expect an advantage over rivals. However, Google has elevated its position as the # 1 company in search of music. />
Google Play Music, which runs on Android, allows users to upload 20,000 songs to the cloud of grace and access them from any Android device.

However, Apple still has the Itunes, and this factor also has a lot nowadays. Additionally, Apple has iTunes Radio and iTunes Match. With both services to offer a decent interface, which combines perfectly with the rest of the OS.

id=”Mensagens”> Messages

The way Android 4.4. handles messages represents a major change in OS. Nowadays, the messaging system called Hangouts, Google’s instant messaging replacing Gtalk. You can now send messages from the same panel, although Android is not smart enough to know when to talk and send SMS to the same person -. Exclusive ability of iOS 7

functionality of Apple’s iMessage know when sending messages to someone who is also using the iOS and instead of sending an SMS, use the internet connection to send an instant message. Hangouts On the other hand, makes you start a new conversation if you want to change SMS to IM.

text written according to the new orthographic agreement.

Tags: Android, Android 4.4, Google, Google Play, iOS, iOS 7, first page

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