Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Android: how to install applications directly on the SD card - Tecmundo

Installing directly to SD card (Image source: iStock)

Although many smartphones already have considerable space in the internal memory of the device, others rely entirely on the SD card to expand the space. The problem is that most of the applications installed is placed directly on the phone itself, without the possibility for you to opt for the procedure to be performed on the card.

With this, the whole internal space occupied just as often, the memory card is virtually empty. However, using the Android SDK Manager, you can modify some settings that feature running. Below are the steps necessary for you to learn how to make your applications are installed on the SD card.

Before getting started, it just reinforce that this requires close attention and all prerequisites must be correctly installed so that the end result is achieved.


  • Java JDK installed on your computer
  • Android SDK present on the computer.

Preparing the device

The first thing you should do is enable USB debugging on your device. For this, between the device settings, select “Developer options” and check the option “USB debugging”.

Enabling debug mode (Image Source: Baixaki / Tecmundo )

done, open the Android SDK Manager. Then, in the application, locate the “Android SDK Platform-tools”, select the option and click “Install packages” (if you have not already installed).

 Installing the tools (Image Source: Baixaki / Tecmundo)

Then connect your Android device to your computer via the USB cable. Here, it is important to note that the smartphone should be simply connected and you should not mount the drive on your computer.

done, Windows should recognize the device and install the appropriate drivers automatically, but if it does not, you will need to download them from the page of the manufacturer of your smartphone. Now, you must access the tool at this adb Android SDK. To do so, go to the application folder and locate the file “adb.exe”.

 Finding the tools adb (Image Source: Baixaki / Tecmundo)

Next, open a Command Prompt screen from that window. To do so, press the “Shift” key and click with the right mouse button. Then, choose the alternative “Open command window here”.

 Android: how to install applications directly to SD card (Image Source: Baixaki / Tecmundo)

done, run the following command: “adb shell pm setInstallLocation 2″ (without the quotes). This makes the default location to install the applications to be modified to the external memory.

 Running command (Image Source: Baixaki / Tecmundo)

Completed these steps, the process is ready. From now on, the applications should be installed directly on your SD card.

Reversing the process

Later, if you want to undo, you must follow the steps in the tutorial, but the command must be run in the terminal window is “adb shell pm setInstallLocation 0″ (without the quotes). It serves to define the installation location of the application to the old standard.

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