Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Visual Studio gains support for Android, iOS, Mac OS and other ... - Globo.com

Visual Studio, Microsoft’s platform for developing applications for Windows and Windows Phone, received an update that allows programmers to create software systems to other competitors, including Android (Google) and iOS and Mac OS X (Apple).

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The system makes it easy to create versions for other platforms using virtually the same code. The goal is to benefit those who already create Windows applications and attracting developers from other platforms, further increasing the number of apps in the store of Windows Phone 8.

Visual Studio 2013 promises to make it easy to create apps for Windows, Android and iOS with the same code (Photo: Playback / Visual Studio) Visual Studio 2013 promises to make it easy to program in Windows, Android and iOS (Photo: Playback / Visual Studio)

With the news of the 2013 version of the system, developers already working with software for Windows made with. Net and C # will save time when running your programs on multiple operating systems at the same time, and this thanks to a partnership with Xamarin company adapting the original code for different environments.

“The idea is not migration but about actually having one application that runs on all devices. On Android, for example, there are numerous versions, and you still do not need to worry about it. If you want to create for Android, just choose the option and ready, “explains the director of program management at Microsoft, John Montgomery.

Xamarin Partnership with Visual Studio makes it able to handle multiple operating systems (Photo: Playback / Xamarin) Xamarin Partnership with Visual Studio makes it able to handle various systems (Photo: Playback / Xamarin)

addition to supporting other operating systems, the new Visual Studio also brings with it an online version that will allow developers to open and edit applications through the browser, which should provide them with more mobility and flexibility in problem solving.

Windows RT and Windows Pro

When it comes to

Windows, it is known that the system is Microsoft’s dominant worldwide, with approximately 90% of the market computadors. However, the portable version of the system for tablets with ARM architecture has not had the same success with the Surface, the company’s tablet. Microsoft executives, however, believe that Visual Studio 2013 can help change this scenario, the main problem of Win RT is the lack of applications.

“In Visual Studio, when you create what we call a Windows application store, no matter if your device is a RT or Pro You create the same code in the background, the system compiles differently to make it work perfectly both ways, “explains the director of Microsoft innovation Brazil, Paulo Iudicibus.

statement Iudicibus is legitimized by developers as Fabricio Sanches, CEO of startup conio, specializes in software education, which also shows an immediate benefit for users of Windows Phone. “When you create an application for modern Windows interface is very simple to generate RT versions for Windows and Windows Phone. This will make sure the number of apps grow enough, because there will be no reason for developers to create applications to run on any kind of system. “

Stores Windows and Windows Phone

Another innovation from Microsoft for developers is the unified authentication method between stores Windows and Windows Phone. After logging in, Visual Studio can publish applications in both stores simultaneously without additional actions, streamlining verification and suggesting a process of integration between the two marketplaces .

“We listened to the feedback from the developer community [...]. I think what we started doing in October this year, when we begin to bring the two stores, is a good indication that we know what is right and we will do what is right, “says Montgomery.


Sanches, union login between stores and features of Visual Studio should also attract developers before exclusive Android and iOS. “Surely the fact develop in Visual Studio and make the application available to the dominant system, which is the case with Windows 8 and at the same time, have application for all other platforms, will attract many people who want to save time and can expedite the monetization of apps. “

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