After the release of images of U Android developer preview for the Nexus and Nexus 7 5 (version 2013), there were many users of the Nexus 4 (and also the Nexus 10) who showed their indignation, since Google did not provide an image for these equipments.
However there are now indications that Android for Nexus 4 U has been tested by Google itself and there are even versions now available for the Nexus 4 and Nexus 10.
Despite having gone unnoticed, Google talked about the Nexus 4 during the annual conference I / The 2014 which was unveiled new Android L. If we analyze one of the slides presented by Google (following image), we find that there are two graphics benchmarks made regarding the allocation of memory.
In the graphs we can still notice that there an indication for N4 device, which will surely be a reference to the Nexus 4.
Although the graph only have a reference to N4, Ian Rogers confirms that the” N4 “refers even the “Nexus 4″. Soon make available the video.
Also, there are already images (blobs-preview) U of Android available for the Nexus 4 and up to Nexus 10 -. seen here
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